Analysis Coverage
Pentamaster International Limited (the “Company”) is currently covered by the analysts as listed below. Any opinions, estimates or forecasts made by the analysts on the performance of the Company do not represent opinions or forecasts of the Company or its management. By listing these analysts, the Company does not imply, warrant, express or concur with such information, conclusions or recommendations made by the analysts and no reliance should be placed on the fairness, reasonableness, accuracy, completeness or correctness of the information or opinions as expressed by the respective analyst. The information provided or obtained herein, directly or indirectly, is for information purpose only and should not be relied upon for the purpose of making any investment or for any other purpose. Should you wish to obtain the research notes or opinions on the Company by these analysts, you may write to us via the email address provided below.
Company | Analysts |
China Galaxy International | Mark Po |
UOBKayHian | Yukkei Lee |
SBI China Capital | Brian Ngo |
Cinda International Research Limited | Hayman Chiu |
Crosby | Michael Cheung |
Sunwah Kingsway | Phelix Lee |